Artist: His Holiness BhakthiVaibhava Swami
Where: Aug 11′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “We can only avoid losing respect to devotees by maintaining service attitude, like again related to the point of how to associate with more advanced, equal or less advanced devotees. It is only possible if it is based on the Service attitude. More advanced, it is obvious, I want to render service to them. What is service related to equally advanced devotees? Let us spread Krsna Consciousness together..close friendship. They have only one thought how to serve Krsna together, spread Krsna Consciousness together. And less advanced devotees how to render service to them, that they can make advancement in Krishna Consciousness. By teaching, creating facilities for them to render service. There is always a service attitude. There is no question of I am more advanced than others or superior, because service attitude means I am servant of Everyone. That is the actual Vaishnava mood.”