No Pain, No Gain – лекция на инициации

Speaker: Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами
Шримад-Бхагаватам – 1.1.22
Вриндаван, 16 октября 2009
“Just as a material father plants a seed in the womb of the mother and conception takes place, so at the time of initiation the spiritual father plants the seed of devotion in the heart of the disciple and spiritual birth takes place.”

Про Facebook

Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами
Москва, Россия, 31 мая 2009
Кратко: “Сама по себе материальная энергия не плоха и не хороша. Все зависит от того, как вы ее используете”.

Amazing Grace (чудо милости)

Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами
Шримад Бхагаватам 3.5.1
Екатеринбург, 16 мая 2009
“The two most important assets in our devotional lives are the Holy name and the association of devotees. We have been blessed with this amazing grace and should take full advantage of it.”

Планирование будущего

His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, May 10, 2009
“The spiritual master finds us in an unpolished state where our heart is full of blemishes of material desire. But our vision should be that everyday we polish our heart so that one day it develops into a rare jewel of pure devotion which can be offered at the lotus feet of our spiritual master.”

Pots of poison

Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами
Шримад Бхагаватам 6.2.24-25
Польша, 30 июля 2008
Srila Narottam das Thakur says, “Fruitive activities and mental speculation are like pots of poison. Those who drink this poison thinking it to be nectar, fall back into the cycle of birth and death. Such persons eat abominable things and thus, their whole human form of life is a waste.”

Обращение на Вйаса-пудже 2008

Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами
Днепропетровск, Украина, 19 мая 2008
“Вайкунтха-экспресс” на Голока Вриндавану идет по двум рельсам, и это садхана и проповедь. Мы заботимся и о том, и о другом, чтобы наше путешествие домой, обратно к Господу, было безопасным”.

Великолепный Хираньякашипу

Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами
Шримад-Бхагаватам – 7.3.1
Днепропетровск, Украина, 18 мая 2008
Однажды Шрила Бхактисиддханта Сарасвати Тхакур сазал: “В Сатья-югу Хираньякашипу методом “негативной пропаганды” провозглашал величие славы Господа Нрисимхадевы даже больше, чем Прахлада”.

5. Дом там, где сердце

Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами
Шри Джаганнатха Пури, 25 ноября 2007
Кратко: “There is a saying that home is where the heart is. So after some years, some decades of practicing Krsna consciousness, I am convinced that this is my home – Vrindavana, Mayapur and Jagannath Puri. This is where I belong, this is where I like to be eternally”.

Великая санкиртана-ягья

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Aug 4′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Ocassion: Wood Stock Festival, 2007
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.

Essence: “I don’t think it is by chance that the weather man’s prediction has been completely devasted and it is bright and sunny out. There must be something, some higher providence involved in this. So they have done their part, they are great devotees, we have to do our part. It appears our Sankirtan party is little over 500. It includes devatas also, so it is about 30 million devotees. So it is very good. Stage is set. We are on the verge of huge maha yagna – unprecedented. You should also enjoy this yagna..A Vaishnava his/her joy is to see people experience the same bliss they are experiencing. That is going to happen in a huge scale. Through out the day, you should stop a minute, step back a little bit and think how pleased Srila Prabhupada must be seeing so many people tasting prasadam, hearing Holy Names..,seeing pure unadulterated Krishna Consciousness presented on a big stage.”

Уникальный фестиваль (деревня мира Кришны)

Шримад Бхагаватам – 7.8.3-4
Aug 1′st 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Wood Stock Festival, 2007
Предоставил лекцию Candrasekhar Acarya Das.

“We have golden oppurtunity to preach in this Maha Maha Mahostava. We find more people than you can meet in 10, 20 years all in one place. By combined effort we can inject Krishna Consciousness in a very potent way. These are rare moments. We have our routine devotional service and these Golden moments. We have to take advantage of them..These are historic moments.Vaishnavas coming together is very auspiscious. And they preaching together is extremely auspiscious…This is my favorite type of festival…We all coming together to preach, this is something unique, very very special…This is all nectar because it is all to fulfill desire of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada to deliver these young students.”