Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Sri Radha Madanmohan temple, Vrindavana, Nov 2, 2007
Pastimes: How Srila Sanatana goswami finds Madangopal diety and worships Him.
Category: Processes of devotional service
Glories of Srimati Radharani – Radhastami Lecture
Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami.
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.14.30
Where: Krinista, Sep 20, 2007, Russian yatra festival.
Essence: “Srimati Radharani is the best and most qualified devotee. Hence She is in charge of devotional service. It is Radharani who blesses us with service to Krsna. Serving the sankirtan movement is the avenue to open the flood gates of Radharani’s mercy to enter our hearts.”