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Господин гопи

Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами

“Развлечения гопи, моливших богиню Катьяяни, чтобы Кришна стал их мужем”.

In and Out

Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами,
Вриндаван :

Dear Disciples: “In and Out” a parikrama class on the pastimes of Radha and Krsna at Yavat. Hear how Radharani married Abhimanyu and how Krsna played a trick to get into their home at Yavat. Sri Vrindavan dhama ki jaya!

Churning the Ocean of Loving Sentiments

Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами

Dear disciples: “Churning The Ocean Of Loving Sentiments,” a class given in Premavan [ the forest of love ] on the banks of Prema-sarovara [ the lake of love ] in Sri Vrindavan Dhama. The class discusses the loving sentiments of Radha and Krsna in the mood of separation.