Speaker: Indradyumna Swami
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatam – 1.5.17
Where: Poland, July 02, 2016

Lectures and Kirtans by Indradyumna Swami
Speaker: Indradyumna Swami
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatam – 1.5.17
Where: Poland, July 02, 2016
Speaker: Indradyumna Swami
Where: Poland, August 5, 2015
Speaker: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Poland, August 26, 2012
Concluding words to the devotees on the summer festival tour in Poland.
Speaker: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Poland, July 30, 2012
A talk rallying the troops and appealing for the cooperation of the demigods before Woodstock.
Speaker: His Grace Yasomatinandana Prabhu
Where: Poland, July 12, 2012
Speaker: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Poland, August 1, 2011
Essence: “Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu reveals the secret that the sankirtan movement gives the devotee the taste that they are hankering for. This should open our eyes so that for the rest of our lives we give more and more time and energy to this sankirtan movement and that is the formula for happiness.”
Speaker: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Poland, August 5, 2010
Essence: When someone does a favor for you – big or small – you acknowledge the kindness and say ‘thank you’.
Speaker: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Poland, July 12, 2010
Essence: “In the Vedic tradition there was no divorce because the affection of the husband for his devotee wife and the affection of the wife for her devotee husband were very deep. The husband appreciated the wife so much as a devotee of the Lord and the wife appreciated her husband so much as a devotee of the Lord that they were ready to tolerate any minor differences that would come about by constantly living in each other’s association.”
Speaker: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Poland, July 5, 2010
Essence: “If we make the mission of our spiritual master as our priority, then that chastity will produce amazing results.”
Speaker: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Miedzyzdroj, Poland, July 19, 2009
Essence: “The lower species of life are nothing but punishment for all the sinful activities performed during the human form of life. So, at the end of this punishment when we get back to the human form of life, we should utilize it properly to get out of this cycle of birth and death and return back to the kingdom of God.”