The best medicine

Speaker: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Verse: Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Adi Lila – 7.83.
Where: Dallas, Mar 22, 2008
Essence: “In this Kali-yuga, the Lord has incarnated in the form of His holy name. By taking this powerful antidote of the holy name, we can be immunized and can overcome the diseased condition of this material life.”

Good disciple – Initiation lecture

Speaker: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatam – 7.9.28
Where: Melbourne, Dec 24, 2007
Essence: “At the moment of initiation a good disciple feels very indebted upon receiving the greatest treasure – the Holy name. To express his gratitude, the rest of the life he uses his body, mind and words to assist his master’s mission and brings him glory.”

Vaisnava aparadha – greatest danger

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami.
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatam – 7.9.13
Where: Moscow, Sep 24, 2007, Russian yatra festival.
ssence: “One can make tremendous progress by chanting the Holy Names of the Lord. But while chanting, if one commits offenses consciously or unconsciously to one who is very dear to the Lord – Lord’s devotee, then spiritual progress will be very slow and it may even be stopped for this lifetime.”

The essence of Krsna consciousness

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami.
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatam – 10.3.23
Where: Krinista, Sep 22, 2007, Russian yatra festival.
ssence: “The essence of the soul is to love and to be loved. That is the essence of Krsna consciousness – loving relationships with Hari, guru and vaisnavas.”

Seeing Krsna’s presence

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami 
Where: Moscow, Sep 18, 2007.
Essence: “If you have a spiritual master, then you know that the Lord is present and has given His blessings to you. Also, we can really appreciate the Lord in our lives primarily through His holy names.”

Essence of Ratha Yatra

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami.
Where: Sept 2′nd 2007, Belfast.
Essence: “As Kali-yuga advances, fewer and fewer people are coming to the temples…This is a sad state. People are running more to the stores than to the house of God. Lord is everywhere; He knows this mentality, so He expands His compassion. How does He do that? He leaves the temple – that’s Ratha-yatra. This is something truly amazing.”

“He is inviting us back home back to Godhead and just to give us a clue what it’s like (in the spiritual world), He comes out in His Ratha-yatra parade…This whole Ratha-yatra festival is to give you that experience. If you really participate in this festival than you will experience something superior than anything you have ever tried to enjoy in this material world. That we can guarantee.”

“How can you maintain this wonderful spiritual experience that you have gained today, and how can you continue making progress in spiritual life? I will tell you of another incarnation of God, also patita-pavana (the deliverer of the most fallen), Lord’s Holy name. Out of His infinite mercy, He also appears in the form of the sound vibration – Hare Krishna Hare Krishna…”

“The essence of Ratha-yatra, the essence of Indian culture, the essence of Vedic culture, the essence of the Lord’s coming to the material world to begin with, is – chant Hare Krishna and your lives will be sublime.”

Essence of Spiritual Culture

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami 
Where: Aug 14′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “We are westeners and we adopted eastern Spiritual Culture. When asked why is that?, devotees reply – this philosophy answers every question one may have about Spiritual Life. It answers most important questions in life. Another reason is that the way of life is very conducive to understand the Absolute Truth. Way of life is – Simple living and High thinking. Central to this Spiritual process is Kirtan. Kirtan means Glorification of God by singing God’s names. In the Scriptures it is said that in this age, easy and most sublime means to awaken our original Love for God is by chanting Holy Names…This is the essence of Spiritual Culture of India.”

Real Happiness – Festival Lecture

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami 
Where: Aug 13′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “Though we may differ on various things, we all agree that we have one thing in common, we all are trying to find happiness. We foolishly try to find our hapinness in material things. Material things can’t give us any lasting happiness, they are here today and they are gone tomorrow. Actually what we are hankering for, is the happiness we experience in association with Lord. God is very merciful, he is present in his Name. When we say Hare Krsna we are actually associating with the Lord…We have seen that people from all over the world who chant this song become immediately happy.”

Precious Gift – Hare Krishna Chant (Festival Lecture)

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Aug 5′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Ocassion: Wood Stock Festival, 2007 
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “It took you long time to find us..and it took us long time to find you, so please keep in touch. Many of you may feel seperation from Krishna’s village of can create Spiritual World every where, wherever you go in the world. You just have to chant the Hare Krishna Chant. That’s how Spiritual Life starts, that’s how we go down the Spiritual Path, and that’s how we come to Perfection in this world – The Hare Krishna Chant. We leave you with this Precious gift of chanting Hare Krishna. It is free and it is the greatest treasure…We will miss you. We love all of are our brothers and sisters, part of greater Spiritual Family. You are the most beautiful thing of this festival…We thank all of you very much. We wish you safe journey back home. And don’t forget to chant Hare Krishna and your life will be sublime.”