Artists: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Sri Uddhava-kunda, Vrindavana, Nov 3, 2007
Essence: “Try to do Govardhan parikrama as many times as you can in your lifetime in association of such devotees as B.B Govinda maharaja, who through his eloquent narration of such pastimes help us give up our nasty material desires and develop some taste for vraja-bhakti.”
Glories of Sri Radha Madanmohan
Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Sri Radha Madanmohan temple, Vrindavana, Nov 2, 2007
Pastimes: How Srila Sanatana goswami finds Madangopal diety and worships Him.
Защита от вайшнава-апарадх
His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Вриндаван, ашрам Шаубари-муни, 1 ноября 2007
“Bhakti is the permanent asset which even death cannot take away. Nevertheless we see that a vaisnava aparadh can take those assets from you. How careful we should be of vaisnava aparadh?”
Guard against vaisnava aparadh
Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Saubari-muni ashram, Vrindavana, Nov 1, 2007
Essence: “Bhakti is the permanent asset which even death cannot take away. Nevertheless we see that a vaisnava aparadh can take those assets from you. How careful we should be of vaisnava aparadh?”
Катха на Говинда-кунде
Рассказывают: Е.С. Бхакти Бхринга Говинда Свами, Е.С.Индрадьюмна Свами, Его Милость Дина Бандху Прабху, Шри Прахлад прабху
Вриндавана, Говинда-кунда, 30 октября 2007
Katha at Sri Govinda-kunda
Artists: His Holiness B.B. Govinda Swami, His Holiness Indradyumna Swami, His Grace Dina bandhu prabhu, Sri Prahlad prabhu
Where: Sri Govinda-kunda, Vrindavana, Oct 30, 2007
Appearance of Sri Radha-kunda
Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Sri Radha-kunda, Vrindavana, Oct 29, 2007
Essence: “To facilitate Sri Sri Radha Krsna’s lilas, these transcendental places also appear in various ways through various pastimes. This appearance of Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda is a very nice pastime.”
Явление Шри Радха-кунды
Artist: Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами
Шри Радха-кунда, Вриндавана, 29 октября 2007
Кратко: “To facilitate Sri Sri Radha Krsna’s lilas, these transcendental places also appear in various ways through various pastimes. This appearance of Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda is a very nice pastime.”
Pastimes of Sri Syamananda pandit
Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Sri Sri Radha Syamasundara temple, Vrindavana, Oct 28, 2007
Essence: “There are many pastimes connected to Syamananda pandit, we just told the summary of pastime of how he gets his instruction and how he finds Srimati Radharani’s ankle bracelet.”
Игры Шьямананды Пандита
Artist: Его Святейшество Индрадьюмна Свами
Where: храм Шри Радхи-Шьямасундары, Вриндавана, 28 октября 2007
“There are many pastimes connected to Syamananda pandit, we just told the summary of pastime of how he gets his instruction and how he finds Srimati Radharani’s ankle bracelet.”