Risk of Uncontrolled Senses

Artist: His Holiness BhakthiVaibhava Swami.
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.8.10
Where: Aug 13′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “Senses are like thieves. They steal away everything. They are always demanding. For a conditioned soul, they are like masters….very very ungrateful..always demanding more, more and more…They steal away even our Spiritual Life not just our body, this mind..even Spiritual  life..”

Spiritual Life Style – Festival Lecture

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami 
Where: Aug 12′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “I would like to share about the practical life style we as devotees are following…For us it is not just a show as we are presenting it to you, but it is our way of living….we live very much like every body else, but focus of our life is very much Spiritual.”

Servant of Everyone

Artist: His Holiness BhakthiVaibhava Swami 
Where: Aug 11′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “We can only avoid losing respect to devotees by maintaining service attitude, like again related to the point of how to associate with more advanced, equal or less advanced devotees. It is only possible if it is based on the Service attitude. More advanced, it is obvious, I want to render service to them. What is service related to equally advanced devotees? Let us spread Krsna Consciousness together..close friendship. They have only one thought how to serve Krsna together, spread Krsna Consciousness together. And less advanced devotees how to render service to them, that they can make advancement in Krishna Consciousness. By teaching, creating facilities for them to render service. There is always a service attitude. There is no question of I am more advanced than others or superior, because service attitude means I am servant of Everyone. That is the actual Vaishnava mood.”

How to end Cycle of Birth and Death? – Festival Lecture

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami 
Where: Aug 11′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “We all are very busy and we need to be busy to maintain this body. But we cannot forget our Ultimate Goal – To understand our deeper Spiritual Nature, to understand God, to understand very deep intimate relationship with God. Once you understand this fully, you don’t have to take birth again. This cycle of birth death, birth death is finished, if at the end of life you are self-realized.”

Where are you going? – Festival Lecture

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami 
Verse: Srimad Bhagavad Gita – 2.13.
Where: Aug 9′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “The Bhagavad Gita teaches us in the first chapter that we are not these bodies. You are not the body, You are not material. You are spiritual, You are the Soul. What we call death is the death of the outward dress – the body. Where does the Soul go at the moment of death…Where are we going? Bhagavad Gita also answers this question.”

How to see things as they are?

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami 
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.8.5
Where: Aug 8′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Ocassion: Wood Stock Festival, 2007 
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “So far in Bhagavatham we have heard only about saintly qualities of Prahlad Maharaja. Here Hiranyakasipu sees only bad qualities Srila Vishvanatha  Cakravarti Thakur comes to the rescue of devotees by mercy of Mother Sarasvathi, and gives us the right understanding…Therefore we have to be very careful to always see things in the light of Shastra and in the light of words of pure devotees and not according to our intelligence. Because in our stage of devotional service, we still have little bit of Hiranyakasipu inside us.”

Inspiring devotees for last 2 1/2 week beach festivals of Polish 2007 tour: “Let us continue our unmotivated uninterrupted service upto last day – Aug 20’th…Don’t let yourself think you are tired…you are going to jump out of the bus tomorrow as  if it were very first day of the tour – June 20’th. You all look very tired, how are you going to do it? You are going to go deep within your hearts and find the sincere desire to please your Spiritual Master and Krishna. That’s how you are going to do it. Because you know it pleases your Spriritual Master and Krishna you are willing to do anything for that.”

Как видеть вещи такими, какие они есть

His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Шримад Бхагаватам 7.8.5
Aug 8′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Wood Stock Festival-2007
Запись предоставил Candrasekhar Acarya Das.

Precious Gift – Hare Krishna Chant (Festival Lecture)

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Aug 5′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Ocassion: Wood Stock Festival, 2007 
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “It took you long time to find us..and it took us long time to find you, so please keep in touch. Many of you may feel seperation from Krishna’s village of peace..you can create Spiritual World every where, wherever you go in the world. You just have to chant the Hare Krishna Chant. That’s how Spiritual Life starts, that’s how we go down the Spiritual Path, and that’s how we come to Perfection in this world – The Hare Krishna Chant. We leave you with this Precious gift of chanting Hare Krishna. It is free and it is the greatest treasure…We will miss you. We love all of you..you are our brothers and sisters, part of greater Spiritual Family. You are the most beautiful thing of this festival…We thank all of you very much. We wish you safe journey back home. And don’t forget to chant Hare Krishna and your life will be sublime.”