Как видеть вещи такими, какие они есть

His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Шримад Бхагаватам 7.8.5
Aug 8′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Wood Stock Festival-2007
Запись предоставил Candrasekhar Acarya Das.

Precious Gift – Hare Krishna Chant (Festival Lecture)

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Aug 5′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Ocassion: Wood Stock Festival, 2007 
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “It took you long time to find us..and it took us long time to find you, so please keep in touch. Many of you may feel seperation from Krishna’s village of peace..you can create Spiritual World every where, wherever you go in the world. You just have to chant the Hare Krishna Chant. That’s how Spiritual Life starts, that’s how we go down the Spiritual Path, and that’s how we come to Perfection in this world – The Hare Krishna Chant. We leave you with this Precious gift of chanting Hare Krishna. It is free and it is the greatest treasure…We will miss you. We love all of you..you are our brothers and sisters, part of greater Spiritual Family. You are the most beautiful thing of this festival…We thank all of you very much. We wish you safe journey back home. And don’t forget to chant Hare Krishna and your life will be sublime.”

Proposal for Peace – Festival Lecture

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Verse:  Srimad Bhagavad Gita 5.18.
Where: Aug 5′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Ocassion: Wood Stock Festival, 2007 
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “Materially we are very different, but Spiritually we all are same atleast in quality. We all are Spiritual entities, parts and parcels of God. God is the Supreme Person, he is the Original Person and all of us are part of his greater Spiritual family. This is what we have in common. And if we accept and see the true equality, spiritual quality of all living entities, then we can live together very peacefully. Saintly people have this vision…Actually this vision extends even beyond human beings. It includes all living entities…It is not only in the interest of the poor animals that we treat them properly, it is also in our interest.”

Maha Sankirtan Yagna

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Aug 4′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Ocassion: Wood Stock Festival, 2007 
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “I don’t think it is by chance that the weather man’s prediction has been completely devasted and it is bright and sunny out. There must be something, some higher providence involved in this. So they have done their part, they are great devotees, we have to do our part. It appears our Sankirtan party is little over 500. It includes devatas also, so it is about 30 million devotees. So it is very good. Stage is set. We are on the verge of huge maha yagna – unprecedented. You should also enjoy this yagna..A Vaishnava his/her joy is to see people experience the same bliss they are experiencing. That is going to happen in a huge scale. Through out the day, you should stop a minute, step back a little bit and think how pleased Srila Prabhupada must be seeing so many people tasting prasadam, hearing Holy Names..,seeing pure unadulterated Krishna Consciousness presented on a big stage.”

Великая санкиртана-ягья

Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Aug 4′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Ocassion: Wood Stock Festival, 2007
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.

Essence: “I don’t think it is by chance that the weather man’s prediction has been completely devasted and it is bright and sunny out. There must be something, some higher providence involved in this. So they have done their part, they are great devotees, we have to do our part. It appears our Sankirtan party is little over 500. It includes devatas also, so it is about 30 million devotees. So it is very good. Stage is set. We are on the verge of huge maha yagna – unprecedented. You should also enjoy this yagna..A Vaishnava his/her joy is to see people experience the same bliss they are experiencing. That is going to happen in a huge scale. Through out the day, you should stop a minute, step back a little bit and think how pleased Srila Prabhupada must be seeing so many people tasting prasadam, hearing Holy Names..,seeing pure unadulterated Krishna Consciousness presented on a big stage.”

Unique Festival – Krishna’s Village of Peace

Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.8.3-4
Where: Aug 1′st 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Ocassion: Wood Stock Festival, 2007 
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence:“We have golden oppurtunity to preach in this Maha Maha Mahostava. We find more people than you can meet in 10, 20 years all in one place.  By combined effort we can inject Krishna Consciousness in a very potent way. These are rare moments. We have our routine devotional service and these Golden moments. We have to take advantage of them..These are historic moments.Vaishnavas coming together is very auspiscious. And they preaching together is extremely auspiscious…This is my favorite type of festival…We all coming together to preach, this is something unique, very very special…This is all nectar because it is all to fulfill desire of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada to deliver these young students.”

Уникальный фестиваль (деревня мира Кришны)

Шримад Бхагаватам – 7.8.3-4
Aug 1′st 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Wood Stock Festival, 2007
Предоставил лекцию Candrasekhar Acarya Das.

“We have golden oppurtunity to preach in this Maha Maha Mahostava. We find more people than you can meet in 10, 20 years all in one place. By combined effort we can inject Krishna Consciousness in a very potent way. These are rare moments. We have our routine devotional service and these Golden moments. We have to take advantage of them..These are historic moments.Vaishnavas coming together is very auspiscious. And they preaching together is extremely auspiscious…This is my favorite type of festival…We all coming together to preach, this is something unique, very very special…This is all nectar because it is all to fulfill desire of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada to deliver these young students.”

Qualifications Of A Disciple – WoodStock 2007

Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.8.1
Where: Jul 29′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Ocassion: Wood Stock Festival, 2007 
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence:“We often hear glories of Pure devotees. It is important to also learn about qualification of a good disciple of such Master. Prahlad Maharaj gives us a hint regarding this in Brahmacari guru-kule verse (SB 7.12.1). A disciple after entering into guru-kula or Krishna Consciousness should practice control of his senses…either by restricting them from sense enjoyment or better yet by engaging them in Krishna’s service. The second duty is to practice being very submissive…you have to be submissive else cannot get full mercy of the Spiritual Master. And finally disciple should develop friendship or goodwill towards the Spriritual Master. Prahlad Maharaj sets a best example of how to reciprocate with mercy of Spiritual Master by starting to preach at the age of 5 years. Following in the footsteps of Prahlad Maharaj, let us try to preach to 350,000 young people at Wood Stock this year.”
>> More Nectar about today’s festival

Качества ученика

Шримад Бхагаватам – 7.8.1
Jul 29′th 2007, Kostryn, Poland.
Wood Stock Festival, 2007
Предоставил лекцию Candrasekhar Acarya Das.

Essence:“We often hear glories of Pure devotees. It is important to also learn about qualification of a good disciple of such Master. Prahlad Maharaj gives us a hint regarding this in Brahmacari guru-kule verse (SB 7.12.1). A disciple after entering into guru-kula or Krishna Consciousness should practice control of his senses…either by restricting them from sense enjoyment or better yet by engaging them in Krishna’s service. The second duty is to practice being very submissive…you have to be submissive else cannot get full mercy of the Spiritual Master. And finally disciple should develop friendship or goodwill towards the Spriritual Master. Prahlad Maharaj sets a best example of how to reciprocate with mercy of Spiritual Master by starting to preach at the age of 5 years. Following in the footsteps of Prahlad Maharaj, let us try to preach to 350,000 young people at Wood Stock this year.”