
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.7.34
Where: Jul 4′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “So actually this is the beginning we are training ourselves to do all these for Krsna, by this vaidhi or sadhana, it is a little hard in the beginning, but then it will become natural (bhava) and eventually it will become prema, Love of God”.

Discover the hidden treasure

Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.7.30-31
Where: Jul 2′nd 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “…Love of Godhead is hidden in the hearts of Pure devotees. But it has to be discovered and enjoyed by sincere seekers of Absolute Truth….Qualified or Unqualified, ignorant or knowledgeable, what ever we may be, if we just join the kirtan of our Spiritual Master, and loudly chant the Holy names of the Lord for benefit of others, eventually cheto darpana marjanam, our hearts will become purified and by Guru’s grace everything we need to know about Krishna will be revealed.”

Greatest Satisfaction

Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.7.32
Where: Jul 1′st 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “For me greatest satisfaction is when I see people have a genuine change of heart…that’s my goal of life. Because I know that pleases my Spiritual Master more than anything. “

Eternally indebted

Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.7.28
Where: Jun 30′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “You can never repay debt you owe to your Spiritual Master. You can never put a price on what Spiritual Master gives you. It is priceless. Although we cannot pay, we still have to try. How do we try to pay – by pleasing the Spiritual Master by preaching Krishna consciousness”

Convincing the obvious

Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.7.29
Where: Jun 30′th 2007, Poland.
Courtesy: Candrasekhar Acarya Das.
Essence: “It is just amazing that it is so obvious that if you try to enjoy material life, you are going to suffer more. But people don’t catch it. We foolishly hold on to these material desires, despite of the fact of the experience of superiority of Krishna Consciousness.”

Two parallel tracks of spiritual progress — Vyasa Puja address

Ocassion: Vyasa Pooja, 2007. 
Where: June 9’th 2007, Seattle.
Essence:  …Every year when we come before our spiritual master for the Vyasa Puja, we should present ourselves a little more purified…This is done by giving up material desires and developing our love for Krishna – these are the two tracks for our spiritual advancement.

Lord never tolerates…

Where: May 3’rd 2007, London.
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.9.1
Courtesy: Bhavin Chitania.
Essence: “Krsna never tolerates offense to his devotee. For one who offends devotees, it is very difficult to please the Lord…Until we are pure devotees we have anarthas, we should be very careful in our dealings with devotees. A vaishnava is never to be harmed in anyway.”