Where: Prabhupada Festival, New Dvarka, Los Angeles, California.
Prabhupada Festival Album
Where: Prabhupada Festival, New Dvarka, Los Angeles, California.
Lectures and Kirtans by Indradyumna Swami
Where: May 20′th 2007.
Context: Vyasa Puja celebration.
Artist: HH Sivarama Swami
Courtesy: http://www.sivaramaswami.com.
Essence: “H.H Indradyumna Maharaja is one of the most outstanding devotees in the world. ISKCON’s wealth is devotees like Indradyumna Maharaja.”
Where: May 3’rd 2007, London.
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 7.9.1
Courtesy: Bhavin Chitania.
Essence: “Krsna never tolerates offense to his devotee. For one who offends devotees, it is very difficult to please the Lord…Until we are pure devotees we have anarthas, we should be very careful in our dealings with devotees. A vaishnava is never to be harmed in anyway.”
Where: Apr 26’th 2007, Hungary.
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 6.18.53
Courtesy: Braja Gopali Dasi.
Essence: “The most important thing is we have to remain pure. Then message of Godhead can come through hearts of devotees. We have very heavy responsibility now…we are Lord’s instruments now. We have to become good devotees, so our Spiritual masters’ can conquer the world.”
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 6.18.51-52.
Where: Apr 25’th 2007, Hungary.
Courtesy: Braja Gopali Dasi.
Essence: “..It is Abosultely wrong to kill cows, however you look at it. There is no excuse, it is wrong, wrong, wrong. It is bad for your health, bad for environment, bad for the soul. Any way you look at it cow killing is wrong.”
Where: Apr 23’rd 2007, Hungary.
Verse: Srimad Bhagavatham – 4.8.1
Courtesy: Braja Gopali Dasi.
Essence: “…Spirit of renunciation runs through all the ashrams to a greater or lesser extent..ultimately one should choose the ashram in which one feels most comfortable in advancing in Krsna Consciousness..”
Where: Apr 22’nd 2007, Hungary.
Verse: Srimad Bhagavad Gita 18.55.
Courtesy: Braja Gopali Dasi.
Essence: “…If you don’t make it, he has to come back. Don’t make things difficult for your Spiritual Master, he wants to go back to Goloka..just do your part..”