Where: March 3’rd 2007, Seattle.
Ocassion: Gaura Poornima 2007.
Essence: [please suggest one!]
Lord Caitanya – The Channa Avataar
Guru – The Transcendental Gardener
Verse: Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Adi Lila 9.6-9.
Where: March 2′nd 2007, Seattle.
Essence: “…relationship with your Guru is all you have…”
Getting Prepared for Gaura Poornima
Verse: Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Adi Lila Chapter 8.
Where: March 2’nd 2007, Seattle.
Diary Reading: Diary of Travelling Preacher 8.1 – “An Unsung Hero”.
Essence: [please suggest one!].
Photos of Seattle 2007 U.S Yatra
Where: Iskcon, Seattle
Hare krsna!
Welcome to narottam.com!. This site is a humble endeavour to serve the Vaishnava community as one-stop for media collection (lectures/kirtans, videos, pictures) of H.H Indradyumna Swami. Please explore this site and relish the Transcendental Nectar!.
Grhastha Ashrama Dharma
Where: March 1’st 2007, Seattle.
Essence: [please suggest one!].
Preach In India
Where: March 1’st 2007, Seattle.
Essence: [please suggest one!]
Life of Srila Sanatana Goswami
Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Srila Sanatana Goswami Samadhi Mandir, Vrindavan, 2006
Essence: “Devotees like Srila Sanatana Goswami are prepared to renounce everything for the Lord…We can’t imitate the Six Goswamis, but have to follow in their footsteps. Srila Prabhupada has given us natural path of gradual renunciation. These pastimes give us faith because our heroes have done it. It is very important and beneficial to hear these pastimes again and again, here at the Lotus feet of Samadhi mandir of Srila Sanatana Goswami.”
Pastimes at Davanala Kund – Vrindavan Parikrama
Artist: His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Where: Dwadasha Divya Tila, Vrindavan, 2006
Pastimes: “Actually that night in the evening after Krsna chastised Kaliya serpant, He also swallowed the forest fire, it is called Davanala kund, not quite far from here. Thing to note is that after the pastime of Krsna chastising Kaliya serpant, all the Vrajabasis are completely exhausted. After the whole lila took place, they were all tired because of intense Spiritual emotions, so they wanted to come to Davanala Kund to take rest and relax at the Kund…Krsna drank the forest fire to save the Vrajabasis.”
“This was one of the favourite places of Sanatana Goswami. In fact this is the first place where he stayed when he came to Vrindavan. Here is his main bhajan kutir. One time Sanatana Goswami was doing madhukari in Mathura….he came back with his Diety (Madan Mohan) and put him on the tree, on a swing and did bhajan here…”
“One time boat got stuck at Kaliya ghatt…the sailor approached Sanatana Goswami and prayed to Madan Mohan.., the ship started moving..Sailor came back and offered to build Radha Madan Mohan Temple. This is history of Radha Madan Mohan temple”.
“Krsna dug a well with his flute so Sanatana Goswami can have drinking water. They cover up the well now but pump the water up”.